Author: dooot
Exactly how fast is my WordPress website?
[sg_popup id=”1″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup] How to identify problems? WordPress platform has provided an easy to use environment for creating beautiful websites, without having any coding knowledge. Unfortunately, this means that people who are not tech-savvy will be building websites, which can lead to high website loading time or unnecessary plugins and scripts running and slowing the…
The comprehensive quick-guide to domain names
More often than not, we can see the question “ what is the difference between domains”, asked by people who are thinking about registering a domain name for their business or personal website but can not decide which domain is right for them. Many people, that are not involved with working on the internet, cannot…
Keyword Research in the process of narrowing down your website niches – SEO
Any website has to be considered as a constant work-in-progress project. With the website targeting a certain audience, so will the website have to incorporate a large number of different keywords into the content presented, as they are important for the website search engine optimization. Knowing the niche audience with whom your website is communicating,…
How to make an Amazon Affiliate Website 2018 With WordPress, WooCommerce and Woozone
Among many ways to earn money online, Amazon affiliate websites are relatively easy to build, and if you make a creative presentation, will enable you to earn commissions money from every sale. I would like to make a note, that though the commission is usually around 1-3% if you make a few sales per day…
Hostnamen ändern bei einem Virtual Server mit Linux-Betriebssystem
1. hostname_vps erstellen Damit Sie den Hostnamen Ihres Servers nicht nach jedem Reboot neu setzen müssen, sollten Sie folgende Datei „hostname_vps“ im Verzeichnis /etc/init.d/hostname_vps erstellen. Loggen Sie sich dazu per SSH auf Ihren Server ein und fügen Sie der Datei “hostname_vps” folgenden Inhalt hinzu. Wichtig: Tragen Sie in der Zeile „HOSTNAME=“ die Subdomain ein, die…
Just dropped .AL Domains September 2017
.AL is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Albania. There are no restrictions – Individuals and legal entities are allowed to register a domain name with an .al extension on a first come, first served basis. [one_half] [/one_half] [one_half_last]…